Openn product update: March 2025

Customise offer form

1. Customised offer forms

A more granular approach
Tailor each question of the offer form to your workflow by hiding fields, making them mandatory, setting default values, or making them read-only to match your unique business processes.

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Reusable default forms
Create default forms at the agency or agent level to set defaults that automatically apply to new listings. Agency administrators can establish agency-wide default forms to maintain consistency across the team. Agents can customise these forms to suit their individual preferences and further customise them for specific properties.

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Find out more in the knowledge base here

Next up, add custom questions to your forms.

2. A better way to improve offers!

Previously, buyers had to manually calculate the correct offer increment to reach their desired offer amount. Now, they can simply enter the exact amount they want to offer:

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3. New timeline tags

Easily spot the highest offer on the timeline with the "Highest offer" tag
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And more

  • The navigation is streamlined to help you focus on what matters and find important information with ease.
  • The agent tile has a new look and displays co-listing agent email and phone.
  • WA offer form now include ownership structure options. When multiple buyers are purchasing a property, they can specify whether they are joint tenants or tenants in common. This information automatically populates the final contract accordingly.