Openn product update: November 2024

Agent link

1. Simplify your selling process with your unique Agent Link

Receiving offers is easier than ever when you use your new Agent Link. Set it up by going to 'My Profile' and navigating to the settings tab.

Once you hit save, you can now use one link to connect buyers and observers to your property. Your link will never change and is always updated with the latest information on your listing.

You can also create a QR code, which will direct consumers to the same link. Download this by clicking on your profile and clicking 'share'.

2. Enhanced contract control

Agents can now send a contract to any buyer for digital signature and then choose to when to send it to sellers.

GIF - stagede sending

For agents looking to get commitment from buyers, the Openn platform can automatically populate your contract and then issue it for signing, all with the click of a button.

Staged contract 22

If you negotiate further changes or a better price, agents can edit and resend any documents with ease.

3. Notification and Alerts flexibility

Some users on the platform wish to receive less communications about the changes to the campaign. In response to this, we made some changes and additional control available to buyers, sellers and observers.

Observers default notification settings have changed so they now receive an email at the end of each day summarising the activity from buyers.

Buyers and Sellers still receive an email (and or notification if using the native app) for every change to buyer activity. If they wish to change this to receive a daily summary, they can manage this under the notifications tab under ‘my account’.
