Getting started with Openn offers

This article contains information about getting started with Openn offers


As per the Openn  Terms of Service, is the Real Estate Agent’s responsibility to ensure they have received authorisation from the seller to offer the property for sale via Openn.

If you are familiar with Openn Negotiation as a sale method, Openn Offers will be very easy to understand. While Openn Negotiation comes under Auction rules in your state or territory, Openn Offers is Private Treaty/Sale.

The key features available to you when using an Openn Offer campaign are:

  • Agent controls the price transparency*
  • Choose preferred offer (lower price with better terms if you prefer)
  • Accept any offer at any time
  • No Auctioneer
  • Cooling off applies (because it is a private treaty/sale)**

* Feature unavailable in South Australia

** Not applicable in Western Australia